Maintenance & Servicing
Who needs it?
If you own an espresso machine or coffee grinder, no matter how big or small, it will require maintenance throughout it’s working life. Like any machine, it will perform better, last longer and break down less if it is maintained correctly. This is why we recommend that owners consider using Preventative Maintenance Servicing.
Please note that we are unable to offer servicing and repairs for Sunbeam, Breville and De Longhi style machines.
What's involved?
During a Preventative Maintenance Service the technician will inspect, adjust, repair and replace as required several different major components of the equipment. This may include pump and boiler pressures, steam and hot water valves, group head components, touch-pad settings, water filters and grinder burrs.
How long between services?
How often a Preventative Maintenance Service is required depends to a certain degree on how much the equipment is used. They should be done approximately once every 12 months, however as coffee usage increases so does the frequency of servicing. For coffee usage from 10-15kg per week we would suggest a service every 12 months and for 15-30kg per week a service every 9 months would be appropriate.
How much does it cost?
Our technicians rate is $80.00/hour including GST (after hours is $100/hour) and most Preventative Maintenance Services should be completed within 1.5 - 2 hours. The parts required will of course vary from machine to machine but an indication of cost can be given upon booking a service. If extra parts are required you will be contacted to approve them prior to fitting. When travel outside Armidale is necessary a charge of $1.85/km is applicable. Payment is required on the day upon completion of the maintenance unless previously arranged.
What about breakdowns?
For commercial customers it is essential that you are able to continue operating your business as usual even if you experience an equipment breakdown. In the event of a breakdown where the equipment is unable to be repaired immediately or is better done in our workshop, then we have available a substitute espresso machine and grinder (subject to availability).
Service, advice and support.
We understand that you need to be confident your equipment is operating at peak performance. We pride ourselves in offering prompt, friendly and reliable service. Our advice is given honestly with your best interests at heart. To keep your espresso equipment functioning at its best between services we have an excellent range of cleaning products and barista accessories available at competitive prices.
Please contact Darryl on 0409 206 210.